











我的女儿来澳州多年,终于不负众望,完成学业,并在悉尼找到稳定的工作。最让我欣慰的是,她在澳洲也找到了如意郎君,并打算在澳洲举行婚礼。 我们找了中介帮我办理旅游签证,却连续两次被拒签。就在我们快要放弃的时候,我女儿找到了GEIC。他们很快就为我翻案并拿到了旅游签证,让我赶上了女儿的婚礼! 衷心感谢GEIC!


Xiao Feng and his new wife

I was so sick of working in Shanghai, China. I am an IT team leader for EMC in Shanghai. I normally finish work at 11 pm on weekdays. And have to work overtime when due date of a new project was changed by big clients. When we had our honeymoon in Australia, we were introduced by our friends to talk to Grace about the possibility to get PR in Australia. Out of our surprise, I am qualify to migrate under skilled migration. We are so happy when we know this news from our meeting with Grace. As we have to go back to Shanghai the next day, we kept email communication with Grace and her assistants. Nicely we lodged our application in July 2009. Our PR granted last month. I am not even ready to move to Australia yet. We are so excited. looking forward to live and work in Australia with its laid back work attitute.


Jin and Xuan

Jin 和Xuan 都来自中国北京,大城市的繁华是他们一时无法适应悉尼的恬静生活。他们在悉尼相遇并且坠入情网。悉心的照顾对方,在异国他乡,他们找到了知己。Jin顺利的完成了悉尼大学的硕士学位,毕业后的几天,他向Xuan求婚了。 他们的技术移民和配偶移民都由澳州国际办理成功。目前在澳州过着幸福的日子。



When I found Global to deal with my PR case, I had problem on my time planning. Immidiately after my graduation, I HongKong company ask me to attend job interview. However, I still really want to get PR as well. Global act for my case, they help me apply TR and PR at the same time. So i can have 2 lots of bridge visa B to allow me travel to HongKong for a few times. However, I obtained another job offer from Sydney as Engineer Graduate not long after my visa had been lodged. Now i decided to take this job in Sydney, after talk to Global consultants. I am very happy about ther considrate plan for my case.


Nikoz, 雇主担保移民2个月获签证

Nikoz, 雇主担保移民2个月获签证 Nikoz从匈牙利来,在完成了advance diploma of hospitality of management的学习后成为一名优秀的厨师。在这之前他在一家海滩酒店做了2年厨师以支持他的学习。 在移民政策对国际留学生收紧的时候,他的勤奋工作得到了回报。他的雇主愿意担保他做技术移民。澳洲国际为他申请永居,并在2个月内得到批准。感谢澳洲国际!


Cecilia -NAB Branch Manager Assistant

Global had help me to choose the best Professional Year Program- Navitas. Their education consultant lead me through apply the program until how to prepare the application letter. They also help many of us arrange an on spot enrolment seminar in Global office. I had my intervier with Navitas Prfessional Year Director- Laura Chen in GLobal Office. I also obtianed my offer letter on spot. Now I had get my PR through Professional Year Program. I think this is a very good advice I received from Global. Because I am in priority group for migration visa application, I got PR much earlier than my classmates, who did not undertand PY. I think follow a leading law firm, is very important at this migration policy changing era. Now I am working at National Bank Australia as Branch Manager Assistant, I cannot thank Global more for the professional advice they provided to me over the years. They designed the best pathway of my study and career development.


Jenny 通过Navitas Professional Year 获得移民并且找到工作

Jenny 在澳大利亚顺利的完成了她的学士学位和硕士学位。为了争取更多的工作机会,她选择了Navitas的专业年项目-Professional Year。由于这个项目可以在移民中多加10分,同时可以有申请的优先权-Priority List.and Critical skill list. 目前,Jenny 已经在一家悉尼的律师事务所从事秘书工作。


Love story (jian shu & wanshan)

2009年由于出勤率的问题,我的学生签证被取消了。我找到了澳洲国际帮我做MRT上诉,在上诉过程中,我遇到了我的另一半,并且由澳洲国际帮我递交了配偶移民的申请。在今年年初,我的配偶签证批准下来了。现在我们已经结婚有几个月了, 每天的生活都是那么的美好和充满希望。


Ping and Weijie

在2005年4月, 我和爱人伟杰相识于保险公司的一次集体面试. 在日后的工作中, 我们开始对彼此产生了好感, 并于2005年11月1号开始交往。 2007年的春节是我们爱情的转折点,我们的父母第一次正式见面,进一步确认了我们的关系。然而为了将来事业的发展,我于2008年4月前赴澳洲攻读硕士。为了陪伴我在澳洲学习,2008年末,伟杰申请并获得了澳洲的学生签,并于2009年2月来到澳洲。2010年2月,当我们再次回国时,我们决定结婚。但是考虑到由于在等待885签证期间,我们不能立即回国,所以我们打算等PR 下来后再回国办婚礼。多亏了我的移民中介,澳洲国际的努力和帮助,通过DRC催签,仅仅几天,我们如愿以偿最终拿到PR,开始新生活。
