我来自德国。非常感谢Grace, Christina以及Global澳洲国际的团队,感谢你们的帮助、理解以及你们辛勤的工作,从而帮助我顺利地申请到了配偶签证。我非常感激你们为我所做的这一切,我感觉自己时刻都可以信任你们。你们当之无愧值得推荐。
我和Global澳洲国际结缘是因为我所在学校的社团,当时我作为新南威尔士华语辩论社的一员参与了Global澳洲国际组织的一些校园活动。 在这些活动中,我发现澳洲国际中每个顾问的亲切可亲,而且办事能力极强。在我的新南荣誉学位即将结束的时候,我向澳洲国际的顾问咨询是否能帮我申请PHD,有奖学金就更好了。 Global澳洲国际的顾问在审阅了我的资料后,接下了这个case。很快,我的PHD offer就到了。但是在申请奖学金的时候,却卡壳了,因为新南威尔士大学判定我的成绩还没有达到要求。 我当时自己都有些气馁了,但是Global的顾问一次次给我打气,“再试一次”,“再试一次”,一遍遍向新南大学作出申请和复议。 最终,原本我已经不抱希望的全奖居然获得了!我现在已经是新南威尔士的全奖PHD了,感谢Global澳洲国际!
Grace 女士是非常专业的问题解决专家。在我的澳洲留学期间,她帮我解决了学校里令我头痛已久的问题。保护了我的签证和作 为一个留学生的合法权益。她的工作效率是立竿见影的。可能缘于她有一颗视人如己出的心吧。后来我们成为了朋友,现在已经很难再见到,我只能说在那个时候很幸运遇到她做为我的代理人。
我来自埃及。我毕业于Carrick College,这所学校是全澳最富盛名的cookery school之一。澳洲国际从2003年开始,每年都会在我们学校举行教育移民讲座,提供各种宝贵的留学移民信息。讲座当中还提供机会抽出部分学生提供优质的咨询服务。作为Carrick学生当中的一员,我自然没有放过这个机会。最终,哥伦布帮助我在cookery 移民政策改革之前递交了我的case,并且成功申请了签证。我不曾想到,当时只是鼓起勇气去尝试GEIC的移民服务,最终会得到这样好的结果。
感谢澳洲国际的教育顾问Jessica姐姐。当时我悉尼大学课程在7月毕业,而后面的master课程也在同一个月开始,两边课程在时间上有重叠。 多谢Jessica姐姐帮我两个学校同时去协调,使我入学无障碍,一路绿色通道。
我曾经在公立高中念书,其实当时我就定下志愿,希望能够高中毕业后去UTS继续深造。 后来经朋友介绍,我来到了澳洲国际,教育顾问Hunter哥哥负责接待我。 Hunter说,其实如果我那么想要去UTS,根据我现在的状况,完全可以直接进UTS的大学预科,这样对最终进入UTS 会更有保障。 根据他的要求,我努力学习和备考英文,最后以优良的成绩通过了UTS安排的英文内部测试,顺利进入了UTS预科班。 谢谢澳洲国际,让我早了一年成为了准UTS的学生。
I am Georgina. I came from china and I live in Australia a year already. A number of people asked me why you chose Australia for study, I will answer them: I were searching for a good education and become independent ! And I found out lots of different compare with china. Especially culture.
In the beginning, I planned to go to Australia learn English first, so I went to central area of Sydney for studying and living in homestay, the homestay was far away from college, I spent 1 hour on the road every day, but one thing made me very happy, the homestay is near the ocean, that is so beautiful, so I was very happy to staying there. Of cause, I had problem in this homestay, because I were afraid everything at that time and I didn’t speak out at home. For example I don’t like hamburger but home stay gave me that for lunch but I didn’t said anything, I just put in fridge. 3 days after, the homestay really anger about the 3 hamburger which she should thought away, after that, lots of problem came out between us, so I had to move to another homestay. I said good bye to my favorite ocean and then go to another homestay. the second home stay are Philippines, A couple and 2 children, they were really nice to me, the hostess likes cooking and make cupcake for me often. I learned lessons from last homestay. the second hommstay with me just like my own family, and we still have good relationship until now. A few months ago she invited me to her house and she made a really nice cake for me, I was glad that she still remember I like chocolate cake, it really let me very moved! All in all, most of people in Australia are really friendly and outspoken, so, if you have any problems, just speat it out, I think that is most important thing when you live in homestay in my experience.
Now, talk about after half year’s life, I went to a private school to starting my high school’s life. At the first ,I saw a number of people are local students, I were so worry, because plot of movie came out of my memory: few people bully other people. However I got along with students and teachers, now, I want to say I fell very lucky for study in ST Paul’s grammar school, I think the most admire thing is people in this school they help and humility each other, comity and also fraternity, even more, this school pay attention about Chinese culture. In a word, this school changed me, I am braver than before, all because the dance performance. I chose the dance class for one of my subject, then one day I got a chance with dance performance. I haven’t been dance before, I were really worry about that If I don’t do well, but everybody in group they taught me how to do movement, everybody ardent told me how to do it, then I felt a great power in my body, finally, I gained applause, clapping and at same time I gained succeed and confidents by that.
During the day time, I need to cook for myself every day, I never cook before when I was in China, my grandmother took care me every day, but now I can cook whatever I like. Now I knew how hard work my grandmother did. Thankfully, I am independent now. on the other hand, I got more time to learn something else. The study life in Australia completely different in China. They pay attention to practical operation, that’s why I don’t have to do that much homework as China, my friend who study in china always complain about the home work was too much, don’t have anytime for something else which is interested in. oh! How lucky I am! I can play piano or guitar and singing after school and I also found lots of fun in its.
By the way, the most important thing is I know how to communicate with local student and I have got many friends in the school, I enjoy my school’s life very much!
What I want to say in the end is if you go to a new place which is strange place to study, you will know many things better than you think, you don’t have to think too much to be afraid of how to adjust a new situation. anyway, you will achieve your goals and grow up when you’re doing anything through the right way. Believe me, you will be somebody different which is better than you used to be, take it easy, step by step forward, that will be a amazing thing in your life!
我相信每个留学生在他们的留学生涯里都转换过好几个中介, 我就是这样。因为曾经遇到过态度,质量不好的中介,所以我一直对移民中介有着不好的印象。但是自从认识了澳洲国际,她就成了我唯一值得信任的留学中介了。 我留学在墨尔本,在亲戚的介绍下,我认识了澳洲国际。说真的,刚开始的时候,我以半信半疑的态度找他们帮我的先生申请陪读签证,而且还疑虑:他们在悉尼,我在墨尔本,交流起来方便吗?可是慢慢地,在不断地与他们的交流过程中,澳洲国际的专业,热情,耐心和实事求是的工作态度让我对他们建立了信任,而且他们负责任的态度让异地交流不成问题。而且我留学的好几个难关都是他们帮我解决的。 首先澳洲国际帮我成功签下了我先生的陪读签证,让我和我先生在异国他乡团聚。 后来澳洲国际也成功帮我和我先生成功签下TR,让我可以在毕业后留在了墨尔本。 再到后来,我面临着申请永居这个难题的时候,也是澳洲国际帮我出谋划策,最终让我和我先生成功拿到了PR。 在此我非常感谢澳洲国际的Grace, 她的专业,她的耐心,她的负责帮我们成就了这一切,谢谢。同时地,我也要感谢这几年曾经帮助过我们的所有澳洲国际的工作人员,谢谢你们。
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MARN: 0321533
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悉尼市建德大厦三层 401 Sussex街
PO Box K595, Haymarket NSW 1240
612-9281 6299
MARN: 0321533
+86 13989788893
+86 1089579318
+86 18601115086
+86 13928943167